Thursday, September 1, 2011
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Digital Painting
I really want to focus on some technical stuff for the beginning of the semester. I went into a really deep exploration of various concepts all of last year and as much as I love doing that- I really want to master my craft of photoshop. i spent so much time with it, that I want to extend my knowledge of digital art. Over the summer I did a lot of researching online and found many photoshop tutorials, and I want to really utilize them. I bought myself a tablet, and I want to do some really fun digital paintings of fashion imagery. I am so inspired by fashion ads and I think there is so much valuable content in them that I love manipulating. Im attracted to the colors, the compositions, the beauty. Its intoxicating. I could spend all day just looking at magazines. When i find an image i love, I get so excited and start ripping out the pages and putting them on my walls. So what I want to do is make portraits with these images, sometimes copying them, but most of the time really altering them- subtracting and adding information and transforming them into my own. Leigh Viner, Sandra Suy, Danielle Buetti are all artists that I love for their style in creating these images. Its a mixed media, drippy, fashion illustration look that I love and want to emulate.

Monday, April 18, 2011
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Monday, April 4, 2011
GREAT inspiration for my fallers
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
discussion with tim
History of Voguing
A dance form popular in the 1970s and 80s. Voguing began in the Harlem gay scene as a non-aggressive battle between two feuding individuals- who chose to use dance instead of violence to settle differences. Voguing often imitated the perfect lines and flexibility of model poses seen in fashion magazine such as Vogue- of the which the dance got its name. No touching was allowed during vogue challenges, even though dancers would often become intertwined in each others extended arms, legs and hand moves. The voguer with the best dance moves was declared the winner of the battle. There were different styles of the vogue, including pantomimes or moves imitating the challenger.
Though voguing originated in the Harlem ball scene, it entered mainstream homes with Madonna's hit single "Vogue". Voguing later evolved into popular fundraising shows and individual dance styles. Today, most houses use a type of dance called the j. sette to challenge each other.
Choreographer, dance and runway teacher Willi Ninja was considered one of the best voguers of all time.
...always interesting talking to Tim.
instinct vs pose
- Reflexes as instincts
Other examples of clearly instinctive behaviors include many reflexes. A true reflex is distinguished from other behaviors by mechanism; they do not go through the brain. Rather, the stimulus travels to the spinal cord and the message is then transmitted back through the body, tracing a path called the reflex arc. Reflexes are similar to fixed action patterns in that most reflexes meet the criteria of a FAP. However, a fixed action pattern can be processed in the brain as well; a male stickleback's instinctive aggression towards anything red during his mating season is such an example. Examples of instinctive behaviors in humans include many of the primitive reflexes, such as rooting and suckling, behaviors which are present in most mammals.
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Monday, February 28, 2011
Friday, February 25, 2011
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
the : uncanny
concept of an instance where something can be familiar, yet foreign at the same time, resulting in a feeling of it being uncomfortably strange
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
body : positions
at attention
childbirth positions
dance positions
recovering position
spread eagle
stress position- torture
list : various body signals
*used body signals